Caffeine is found in almost all pre-workout supplements. It is found in energy drinks (like Red Bull, Monster, etc), as well as in coffee. It is also present in various other things we often don’t suspect, like chocolate, soft drinks, and even cold and flu capsules.
For the moment, lets ignore inadvertent consumption of caffeine. I’m going to focus on those who intentionally take caffeine with the purpose of seeking an energy boost. Considering how many coffee drinkers there are in the world, caffeine is one of the most commonly used “drugs” globally! So many of us feel like we can’t even function before having that morning coffee!
But what’s really the deal with caffeine? And how can it effect performance?
Mental and Physical Performance
Let’s cut the chase: caffeine “works”! It’s true. The “energy boost” experienced by those who take caffeine is not imaginary or placebo. Caffeine actually does aid physical and mental performance. Caffeine has a positive effect on both muscle cells and brain cells. It can provide better focus, as well as better exercise performance.
Fat Loss
And there’s more! Caffeine can also aid fat burning too!
Caffeine increases the production of heat and epinephrine (adrenaline), which helps burn more fat during exercise.
When to Take Caffeine
Caffeine is absorbed into the blood stream quite quickly. Following an intake of caffeine, levels in the blood stream seem to peak after about 60 – 90 minutes. So, it makes sense to take caffeine approximately this time frame out from a workout, event, race etc.
How Much to Take
Recommendations are in the range of 3 – 6mg per kg of bodyweight to improve performance. So, a person weighing 80kg would take anywhere from 240mg to 480mg.
For your information, one 500ml can of Monster contains 169.05mg of caffeine. Or one cup of regular strength coffee has about 95mg of caffeine. A pre-workout supplement usually has about 400mg.
There are a few points to consider when it comes to caffeine use.
Firstly, note that caffeine has a half-life of 4 – 6 hours. In other words, after 4 – 6 hours, half of it will still be in your blood stream. It is for this reason that you don’t want to be taking caffeine too late in the day, otherwise you will struggle to sleep.
Another point to note, is that your body develops a tolerance to caffeine if you use it regularly. So, if you already regularly consume lots of coffee, or even chocolate, soft drinks, or other caffeine containing products, you may need to take higher caffeine doses to see any benefit. For this reason, it would make sense to keep caffeine use low / infrequent, to save it for when it is really needed.
Furthermore, it is debatable, but caffeine does appear to be addictive. This is another reason not to take caffeine too frequently, or to use it in unnecessary circumstances. Save it for events / hard workouts only.
Also to consider, are some of the side effects caffeine can have. Some of these include, trembling, jitteriness, anxiety, and rapid heart rate. So, don’t go overboard on your caffeine usage.
Are Pre Workout Supplements Worth it?
This isn’t such a black and white question. As mentioned previously, pre-workout supplements usually contain about 400mg of caffeine. Compare this to a 500ml can of an energy drink, which contains about 169.05mg. Or one cup of regular strength coffee has about 95mg of caffeine.
Pre-workout supplements usually do come with a higher price tag. But, considering that they can provide a simpler means of getting an adequate intake of caffeine to aid performance (you’d need to drink several cups of coffee, or probably two or more 500ml cans of energy drink to get a comparable caffeine intake), they might be worth it.
Caffeine is one of the limited supplements available that are proven to deliver performance enhancing results. Caffeine can improve physical and mental performance, as well as enhance fat loss.
If you choose to use caffeine, take it an hour or so before hard physical activity.
But to avoid building a higher tolerance to it, and to avoid addiction, don’t use caffeine too regularly.
Be wary of the other possible side effects of too much caffeine.
And how you obtain your required caffeine intake to aid performance is up to you. Pre-workout supplements are the simpler yet pricier option. Otherwise you could opt for coffee or energy drinks. How my Online Fitness Coaching works Through my Online Fitness Coaching, I coach busy people to lose fat, build muscle, and feel healthier. And I deliver it all online. You will still live a full and balanced life. You will NOT have to sacrifice your favourite food or take much of your time. I work with you to get you leaner, stronger, and healthier, with results that stick. By my personalised coaching being delivered online, my service is accessible to you from anywhere at any time. All at the touch of your phone, computer, or tablet. I am there to answer questions and guide you along the way. What it includes : My service entails a full lifestyle package to support you with your: Food and drink intake Exercise Your Lifestyle (stress, sleep, meal and exercise scheduling, time management), And Adherence (staying on track) Ideliver my online coaching to you through my sof... The Doughnut Diet – FREE 7 Day Flexible Eating Challenge admin 26/06/2019 Sign up for The Doughnut Diet – FREE 7 Day Flexible Eating Challenge , where I will be teaching you the system I use for losing fat while still being able to include junk food . I will be emailing you a short video (most are a little over 5 mins or so) each day over the duration of the challenge. To make things easier, I’ve provided notes for each video too, that you can download. So please check your inbox daily! Each day, I’ll be setting you a few very short tasks to do (it’ll only take 5 mins), so please keep on track and complete the daily tasks! It’s all important for teaching you my method for losing body fat without cutting out junk food! If you have any questions or are unsure about anything, please fe... Post Workout Protein and the Anabolic Window admin 13/04/2019 I remember it so well. Every time I would pack my gym bag before heading off for a workout, I would always be sure to include my post workout protein shake. It would be ready mixed in my shaker bottle, ready to be slammed back as soon as I finished the session. And on the odd occasion when I forgot to pack my protein shake, I would be horrified! I would hurry home as fast as I could, to quickly get my protein down as fast as possible. My eyes would be on my watch, as I raced the clock to consume my post workout protein shake within 45 minutes of finishing my workout. Because if I didn’t get my protein in time, that gruelling workout I had just put myself through would be a total waste. It would result in no muscle gain if I didn’t have protein within the 45-minute post workout anabolic window!...
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