This is a shoulder cable complex I came up with a little while ago. Well to be honest I am a little reluctant to take full credit for this, since I am always keeping an eye out for new training ideas. So it is quite possible that I was influenced by something I saw someone else doing.
*Sorry the lighting in the gym wasn’t too great!
I have been using this lately either at the beginning of workouts for the purpose of “activation” of the shoulder muscles before beginning my main exercises. If so, I perform the exercises very slow and deliberately, focussing on concentrated contractions.
Or this serves the purpose of pre-exhausting the shoulder muscles before performing compound exercises. In which case, I will perform the exercises in more of a pump set fashion, emphasising controlled and constant tension.
Otherwise, I might perform the shoulder cable complex at the end of my workouts, after completing my main compound movements. If so, again it will be performed in pump set fashion as a “finisher”, with a focus on feeling the burn.
A Complex?
A complex is simply a series of exercises performed as a circuit back to back with minimal rest.
The exercises in this shoulder cable complex are to be performed for a minimum of 8 reps each, for a total of 3 to 5 circuits, using the same weight for all exercises. Don’t rest between exercises, but rest about 30 seconds between circuits.
At a cable station, remove the handles, and set the pulleys at the lowest setting. You’ll only need a very light weight for this. Grip the cables in opposite hands across the front of the body.
The Exercises
There are only 3 exercises here: 1. Trap / Front Raises – grip the cables with the carabiners sticking out from the top of your hands (thumb side). Keep a neutral spine, with your scapula retracted, trying to squeeze your shoulder blades together. Keeping your arms fairly straight, raise your arms out in front above your head, keeping those shoulder blades together, and engaging and squeezing your traps at the top of the movement. Hold the position overhead briefly, before lowering your arms back down to your sides. 8 – 15 reps
2. Bent Over Rear Delt Raises – change your grip on the cables so that the carabiners are now protruding from the bottom of your hands. Bend at the waist 90 degrees, keeping your lower back engaged, with a natural arch in your back. Keeping your arms fairly straight, thumbs facing each other, raise your arms out to the side inline with your ears. At the top of the movement hold the position briefly, contracting your rear deltoids hard, before lowering your arms back down. 8 – 15 reps.
3. Side Delt Raises – keeping your grip on the cables the same, stand up straight, neutral spine. Focus on keeping your scapula retracted, trying to squeeze your shoulder blades together. With your hands by your sides, thumbs facing forward, and keeping your arms relatively straight. Raise your arms out to the sides to ear level. Hold the position and contract your medial deltoids, before lowering your arms back down. 8 – 15 reps. Rest about 30 seconds before repeating. How my Online Fitness Coaching works Through my Online Fitness Coaching, I coach busy people to lose fat, build muscle, and feel healthier. And I deliver it all online. You will still live a full and balanced life. You will NOT have to sacrifice your favourite food or take much of your time. I work with you to get you leaner, stronger, and healthier, with results that stick. By my personalised coaching being delivered online, my service is accessible to you from anywhere at any time. All at the touch of your phone, computer, or tablet. I am there to answer questions and guide you along the way. What it includes : My service entails a full lifestyle package to support you with your: Food and drink intake Exercise Your Lifestyle (stress, sleep, meal and exercise scheduling, time management), And Adherence (staying on track) Ideliver my online coaching to you through my sof... The Doughnut Diet – FREE 7 Day Flexible Eating Challenge admin 26/06/2019 Sign up for The Doughnut Diet – FREE 7 Day Flexible Eating Challenge , where I will be teaching you the system I use for losing fat while still being able to include junk food . I will be emailing you a short video (most are a little over 5 mins or so) each day over the duration of the challenge. To make things easier, I’ve provided notes for each video too, that you can download. So please check your inbox daily! Each day, I’ll be setting you a few very short tasks to do (it’ll only take 5 mins), so please keep on track and complete the daily tasks! It’s all important for teaching you my method for losing body fat without cutting out junk food! If you have any questions or are unsure about anything, please fe... Post Workout Protein and the Anabolic Window admin 13/04/2019 I remember it so well. Every time I would pack my gym bag before heading off for a workout, I would always be sure to include my post workout protein shake. It would be ready mixed in my shaker bottle, ready to be slammed back as soon as I finished the session. And on the odd occasion when I forgot to pack my protein shake, I would be horrified! I would hurry home as fast as I could, to quickly get my protein down as fast as possible. My eyes would be on my watch, as I raced the clock to consume my post workout protein shake within 45 minutes of finishing my workout. Because if I didn’t get my protein in time, that gruelling workout I had just put myself through would be a total waste. It would result in no muscle gain if I didn’t have protein within the 45-minute post workout anabolic window!...
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